About Me

Starting this blog was one of the most productive things I've done in 2012. I've been writing in my journal ever since I was a young girl so simply writing to myself didn't seem therapeutic enough.  I still felt like I was harboring a deep, shameful secret alone in isolation, with no one to talk to, no one to listen to me.  There is something empowering, freeing and therapeutic about writing a blog in a public online space with the possibility of other readers. It's been a long time since I felt a sense of excitement and this blog is what gives me feelings of excitement and anticipation these days.  For this, I'm grateful. If you're reading this, you are part of my healing process.  Thank you for listening, thank you for making me feel connected.

I'm a wife of a sex addict.

I'm still married to the addict.

I have two beautiful children, one with special needs.

I'm a codependent. Like all other codependents, I grew up in a codependent family.

I'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse.

I spent many years of my childhood with my uncle who was a pedophile.
I battled addiction and depression my whole life.

I always felt like I was "different" and never understood why.

It took me nearly 30 years to piece together fragmented memories.

I've seen many psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists in my lifetime.

I'm still married to the sex addict.

This blog is another attempt to get back on the journey of healing and recovery- and stay.
Because this is a sacred place of healing and recovery, I will share most intimate details of my life, even the darkest of my demons.  You would think I'm a crazy person just by reading the above, but I still love my life because it is my life.  I'm thankful to God for this opportunity to share my story and to channel my struggle to something strengthening and empowering.  One day, this journey will all make sense and I will see my husband's sex addiction and my codependency as a blessing not a curse.  This blog is a living, breathing proof of my journey.  It is my attempt to connect with you, the outside world to remind myself that I'm not utterly alone.

 "Only Connect"- E.M. Forster

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